Напишите письмо (9 класс ) Желательно простыми словами) You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Emily, who writes:
... We moved to a new house a few weeks ago and I changed school. At first I was a bit afraid but I made new friends sooner than I expected. And what about you? Have you got many friends at school? Do you enjoy studying there? What are your favourite subjects? Why do you like them?
Well, it's time for my music lesson. Drop me a line when you can.
Lots of love,
Write back to Emily. In your letter:
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about her preferences in music
Write 100 – 180 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

rusleon rusleon    1   16.10.2020 06:51    0

Ніка64 Ніка64  15.11.2020 06:51

около 120 слов


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