Напишите отрицательные и вопросительные формы предложений(отрицание и общий вопрос): 1. she watched television yesterday. 2. he desided to take a taxi. 3. they enjoyed the party.

ivolobuewa2013 ivolobuewa2013    2   10.06.2019 07:20    2

11cat13 11cat13  08.07.2020 19:14
1. She didn't watch television yesterday.
2. He didn't deсide to take a taxi.
3. They didn't enjoy the party.

1. Did she watch television yesterday?
2. Did he deсide to take a taxi?
3. Did they enjoy the party?
кирил2088 кирил2088  08.07.2020 19:14
1. She didn't watch television yesterday.
2. He didn't deside to take a taxi.
3. They didn't enjoy the party.

1. Did she watch television yesterday?
2. Did he deside to take a taxi?
3. Did they enjoy the party?
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