Напишите отрицательную и вопросительные формы к следующим предложениям:

1) the weather has been rainy the whole month.

2) they have moved in.

3) we have had our lunch.

4) he has been to london.

5) the train has left.

qwerty1127 qwerty1127    1   20.01.2020 16:17    2

mminovskaya777 mminovskaya777  11.10.2020 01:58


1) The weather has been rainy for the whole month.  

The weather has not been rainy for the whole month.  

Has the weather been rainy for the whole month?

2) They have moved in.  

They have not moved in.  

Have they moved in?  

3) We have had our lunch.  

We have not had our lunch.  

Have we had our lunch?  

4) He has been to London.  

He has not been to London.  

Has he been to London?

5) The train has left.

The train has not left.

Has the train left?

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