Напишите описания 2х планет : меркурий, венера. в описание должно в ходить : температура планеты, размер, почему там нельзя проживать. если можно то напишите на . заранее !

Ангелина56533 Ангелина56533    2   15.06.2019 22:00    1

evazorina1 evazorina1  02.10.2020 02:21
The average temperature of the planet : 349.9 degrees Celsius during the day and -170.2 degrees Celsius during the night. Equatorial radius of Mercuty 2439.7 km. We can't live on this planet, because the planet is very near to the sun, and there are frequent changes in temperature.

The temperature of the planet 464 degrees Celsius.Equatorial radius of  Venus 6051.5km. We can't live on this planet, becausethere is a very high temperature and the carbon dioxide is dominates in the air that is harmful for our organism.
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