Напишите описание совы на с не сложными,но понятными словами. примерно среднего размера зарание огромное

konstantin42127 konstantin42127    3   29.08.2019 02:50    2

студент168 студент168  06.10.2020 01:55

Бесшумный полёт видеть в темноте, острый слух, мгновенная реакция - качества, за которые в народе сов прозвали пернатыми кошками. Мягкое, рыхлое оперение, по-особому изогнутые перья с наполовину расщепленными бородками скрадывают шорохи и свист крыльев, возникающие при полёте.

Большинство сов, к тому же обладает природным локатором, важная деталь которого - сплющенная голова со стороны клюва. Достаточно легкого шороха, чтобы даже в абсолютной темноте добыча была обнаружена и поймана. Огромные глаза дают возможность видеть даже ночью. Подвижная шея позволяет вертеть головой в вертикальной плоскости, т.е. сверху вниз на 270", а в горизо


Silent flight, the ability to see in the dark, acute hearing, instant reaction - qualities for which the people called the owls feathered cats. Soft, loose plumage, specially curved feathers with half-split beards conceal rustling and whistling of wings arising during flight.

Most owls, moreover, have a natural locator, an important detail of which is a flattened head from the side of the beak. There is enough light rustle, that even in absolute darkness the prey was discovered and caught. Enormous eyes give the opportunity to see even at night. The movable neck allows you to turn your head in a vertical plane, i. E. From top down to 270 ", and in horizontal by 180 °, surveying everything around.нтальной на 180°, обозревая всё вокруг.

кузя215 кузя215  06.10.2020 01:55
Paws of the owl are very strong and strong, many species have feathers. The owl's claws are sharp and curved, they help her to quickly grab the victim and hold her. The owl's flight is almost silent, this is due to the special structure of the feathers. The first outer feathers are serrated and fringed serrated. The third and fourth feather owls are longer than the others. The tail is rounded and trimmed, and the tail feathers are bent. The wingspan of the owl is about 142-200 centimeters. These birds fly very fast: the speed of the owl in flight reaches 80 km / h.
The bird makes a characteristic click when irritated or experiencing excitement. This is due to her beak. The owl's beak is bent from the beginning and up to the base, ends with a crochet, the edges are even and without cutouts.
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