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mariana20021 mariana20021  05.10.2020 22:01
Ulyanovsk - a large Russian metropolis located on the Volga Upland at the confluence of the Sviyaga River in the Volga. The area occupied by the city is 622.5 km2. The population is about 610 thousand people.
Brief history of Ulyanovsk 
It all started in 1648, when for the execution of the decree of Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich boyar Bogdan Khitrov began construction of the city in the interfluve of the Volga and Sviyaga. Strategically, the place for the city was chosen very successfully - the eastern side was protected by the natural barrier of the Volga with a steep bank, it was very uncomfortable and dangerous to climb it. It took only four years to rebuild the main part of the city - a fortress or "chopped city." It was built in the form of a regular quadrilateral 426.6 meters long and wide.
In the protected part of the city there were all the most important places of attendance, which included the city of Ulyanovsk (Simbirsk), a provincial court, an izba, a breadhouse and other public services. In the very center of the settlement the Trinity Cathedral was set up, and on the outer side of the city the Uspensky and Spassky monasteries were founded. The basic population of the city consisted of a garrison of streltsy, a voivode and its ministers, nobles and boyar children. They named the new city of Simbirsk. The fortress was built on conscience, so Stepan Razin almost a month besieged the city, but could not master it.
In another century the new people's tsar Emelyan Pugachev stirred up half of Russia with his rebellion against the empress. After the capture, he was brought first to Simbirsk, and then sent to Moscow. By the beginning of the 18th century the city had completely lost its frontier and defensive importance and was almost in the center of the Russian state. With the status of an ordinary provincial city Simbirsk in different periods belonged to the Kazan and Astrakhan provinces, but only in 1796 with the establishment of the Simbirsk province, the city received the status of a provincial town.
 Simbirsk (Ulyanovsk) From this period the city begins to be built up according to a special general plan and is actively developing. The population and social composition of the city is greatly increased. The majority of the population is the merchant class and the people of the petty-bourgeois class. From the middle of the 19th century until the end, the population almost doubled and was 43,298 people. Many have seen the walls of Simbirsk in their time, and more often than other provincial Russian cities they have met reigning individuals. Starting with Peter the Great, Empress Catherine II stayed in the city during her journey through the Volga.
Her reigning grandson, Alexander I, visited Simbirsk in 1824. And the Emperor Nicholas I took an active part in the improvement of the city. From its submission the steep descent of the Volga coast was arranged, the Karamzin library was created, and Karamzin himself was put up a monument. In the Soviet period, the city of Simbirsk was famous for the fact that Lenin was born and lived until his youth, the leader of the world proletariat. In honor of this event, the city was renamed in 1924 after the death of Lenin. It was thanks to Ulyanov-Lenin that the city gained worldwide fame, although the townspeople know a few dozen names of their famous compatriots. Among them are historian Karamzin, writer Goncharov, politician Alexander Kerensky and many others.
The desire of the Soviet government to celebrate the centenary of the birth of VI Lenin with all solemnity, beneficially affected the development and town planning of Ulyanovsk. The city was literally transformed and from a supernumerary regional center turned into a beautiful and modern metropolis with a developed infrastructure. A branch of the Moscow State University was opened, an aviation complex was put into operation. The city for two decades has turned into one of the largest centers of the Volga region.
Attractions and monuments of Ulyanovsk 
 Ulyanovsk The wind organ The city has many attractions - museums, monuments, which reflect its history and cultural traditions of the townspeople. All the sights associated with the name of VI Lenin are collected in a single Lenin memorial complex, which is maintained in excellent condition and does not experience a deficit in visitors at any time of the year. But the city of Ulyanovsk is famous not only as the birthplace of the main communist of the Planet Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov-Lenin. There are many interesting places of commemoration connected with other people and events..
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