Напишите на сочинение как я попал в неловкую ситуацию (ошиблась номером телефона и позвонила не туда) предложений 5-6

maximmaxtin maximmaxtin    2   08.03.2019 00:00    1

islamkazirbaev islamkazirbaev  24.05.2020 04:24

в виде диалога подойдет ?

 - Hello! Is it Natasha ?

- No. It' s Liza.

- Excuse me , could you call Natasha to phone ?

- Natasha does'nt live there .You were mistaken the phone number

- Sorry for concern . Goodbye.

- Goodbye.

Superniolay Superniolay  24.05.2020 04:24

Yesterday I decided to call my friend. I had a lot of things to  tell about and discuss. I  was sure that she was  at home and ready to listen to me. So when I understood that  "she" was  waiting for me I began to tell her all interesting events of my life. It was like  "a thearte of one actor." I  laughted speaking about in very emotionally. At last I wanted  to ask   about  her life . I heard a strange male voice! Wow, I called the  wrong number! HA-HA-HA!