Напишите на английском: 1) 1,2,12,21,187,1031.
2) 2012,1999,1984 21 сентября 1995г.
3) 0.513,1/3, 0.1, 7/8,1/4.
4) 12:00,11:15,9:50,21:25​

Киря0701 Киря0701    1   27.01.2021 13:02    1

Anastasia4790 Anastasia4790  26.02.2021 13:21

1. One, two, twelve, twenty one, one hundred and eighty-seven, one thousand thirty-one.

2. two thousand twelve, one thousand nine hundred ninety nine, one thousand nine hundred eighty four, September 21, one thousand nine hundred ninety five.

3. zero point five hundred and thirteen, one-third, zero point one, seven-eights, one quarter.

4. it's twelve o'clock, it's quarter past eleven, it's ten to ten, it’s twenty five past nine.

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