, напишите кратко этот текст (для пересказа): The descendants of the Baskervilles will be in trouble if they decide to walk at night near the swamp. Dr. Mortimer explained that Charles ' body was found near a swamp, with large dog-like footprints next to it. Watson told Henry that the butler was making strange signs. At night, they set up a surveillance on Berrymore and caught him "hot". The man had to tell the truth. The convict Selden — the younger brother of his wife, they give him food and clothes. Watson visited old Frankland. He said that every day a child comes to the convict and brings food. The doctor found a shelter in the swamps, and there was a note in it: "Watson has gone to Coombe Tracy." He took out his weapon and waited for the mysterious stranger.

yulyamazelyuk yulyamazelyuk    2   04.06.2021 20:33    0

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