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1. Aivazovsky travelled a lot, he had visited Italy, England,

France, Spain and some other European countries, there he

painted marine landscapes 1 and also marine battles. Joseph

Turner, a famous English painter, wrote excellent reports about

his works. In 1847 Aivazovsky became a professor of the Acad-

emy of Arts in St Petersburg. He was also a member of art

academies in Paris, Rome, Florence and Amsterdam. Aivazovsky

painted more than 6000 pictures during his life. He received

a lot of rewards and orders2 and was made an admiral for his

marine battle paintings.

2. Aivazovsky began painting in his early childhood and the first person to notice it was an architect in Feodosia, Yakov Koch. He helped him as much as he could, gave paper, pencils and paints, he told the town governor 3 about Aivazovsky’s talent and asked him to support the boy.

The governor sent the boy to the gymnasium in Simferopol and in 1833 he was taken to the Academy of Arts in St Petersburg. His studying was paid for by the government. He went to the landscape class of Vorobiev and was a very bright and successful student. In 1835 he received a silver medal for his paintings and was sent as a helper to a French landscapist Tanner. Tanner didn’t allow Aivazovsky to paint his own pictures but Ivan did so and gave five of his paintings to an exhibition in Paris. They were highly praised and in 1837 the painter got

Sterl Sterl    2   11.03.2021 16:57    2

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