Напишите эссе на тему “what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city center? ” disscus both sides of the question. напишите как можно больше предложений

misha515 misha515    3   28.09.2019 19:40    0

Anna1111251 Anna1111251  16.08.2020 23:59

A lot of people decide to move to the countryside nowadays. However, there are still many people who prefer stay in the town and say that they couldn't live anywhere else. So which place is better to live? Let's think about both of them.

I would like to start with the advantages and disadvantages of the big city life. Living in such a big city has a lot of advantages. There is a big offer how to spend free time. There are a lot of theatres, concerts and other ways of entertainment. There is always a lot to do and visit! There are a lot of possibilities of shopping. In various shopping centres and galleries you can buy whatever you want. What is more, there are a lot of working places in a city. Many big international companies have their locations in the cities, so it is much easier to find a job in a big city. Moreover, the public transport is developed quite well, so the commuting to work isn't a problem. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of living in a big city. Cities are very crowded. Everywhere there are crowds: on the pavements and in the buses. What is more, the traffic is heavy and city's car parks are always very full. Sometimes it is very difficult to get from a given place to another. It may take hours! Moreover, the other disadvantage is the safety in a city, but actually the lack of safety. There is a big crime rates in cities. So you have to be very careful at nights when you leave your home.

I think that in the country the problem of crime isn't so big. There aren't so many people and they usually know each other well. The possibility of robbery or other crime is relatively lower. Life in the countryside is more peaceful and the life is also slower. What is more, it is less stressful. There isn't any time pressure and the traffic conditions are better. A lot of places you may reach on foot.

The city offers a lot: there are huge buildings, skyscrapers or some historic monuments. On the other hand, in the countryside there are a lot of breathtaking sceneries, space and other amazing places such as forests, lakes or mountains. Moreover, people in the countryside are quite different than people living in the city: they are relaxed, friendly and family-oriented. People in the city are like ants. They are always in hurry, busy and out of time. In the country people enjoy lives and take pleasure in their daily activities. As a disadvantage of living in the countryside we may consider the commuting problems. People who stay in the countryside often have to work in the nearest cities, so it may take a lot of time to get to it. However, the living costs in the country are much lower, the variety of products in shops is smaller.

To sum up I would like to say that both countryside and city have some advantages and disadvantages. Both city and country may be a good place to live. However I will stay in the city till I retire. Then I would like to move to the country to have a rest. I think that everyone of us will take into consideration all aspects before he decides to move to the country.

Czytaj więcej na https://www.bryk.pl/wypracowania/jezyki/angielski/16518-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-living-in-a-city-and-in-the-countryside.html#utm_source=paste&utm_medium=paste&utm_campaign=other

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