Напишите эссе на на тему: "путешествие в одиночку или путешествие с компанией. что лучше? " около 100 слов

solomijahladij6 solomijahladij6    2   13.08.2019 19:50    0

lizaant lizaant  04.10.2020 16:47
To travel alone or with the friends (company). It depends on people's interests. For people who love to travel alone it will be more interesting. May be such people feel themselves more comfortable. They are more attentive on the place of interests, museums, restaurants. May be they like to be alone. But there people who like to travel with their friends, parents, person who they are in love with. They like noise places, discos, karaokes, parties. They are not so interested in museums (in silent places) to my mind. They spend their times in favor (not only with friends, but with a lot of knowledge).