Напишите 6 предложений по с: если то if например: if weather is fine, they will go to swimming 27 ! ♥

rahimzhan20p0dqkg rahimzhan20p0dqkg    1   09.09.2019 10:40    0

Ник1233211 Ник1233211  07.10.2020 02:57
If i go to scholl , i will know more
if she doesn't eat cakes , she won't be fat
if we buy a new house, we won't live with our parents
if you do sports , you will be healthy and strong
if the prices don't go up, we will buy a new car
if you eat ice cream , you will be happy
Dzhemre69 Dzhemre69  07.10.2020 02:57
If I go to the supermarket, I will buy a bottle of water.
If I finish my homework, I will go out.
If they clean their room, they will watch TV.
If we don't read books, we will be sad.
If my mother cooks a cake, I will be happy.
If he doesn't learn rules, he will get a bad mark.
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