Напишите 6 предложений о том как ты провел свое лето в past simple past progresiv past perfect

ermolaeva1207Arina ermolaeva1207Arina    1   04.09.2019 06:30    0

mirnayanatulya mirnayanatulya  06.10.2020 16:20
Summer is a terrific time. I was waiting for the holidays, and finally they arrived. In the first week of vacation, I along with the guys from art school went on plein air. We were there depicted flowers, trees, grass, and a lot more. After the plein air several times I went to the village. We went there as a family, to help grandma and grandpa. Sometimes I stayed in the village overnight. And when he returned home, visited friends and went with them to walk. Then came the sultry beach time. My sister and I almost daily went to the beach where swimming and sunbathing. Alas... The summer has passed very quickly! And already again it is time to school.
vpuzerov vpuzerov  06.10.2020 16:20
Это лето было просто не забываемым для меня . Этим летом я очень часто гулял с друзьями , и прекрасно проводил время . Так же этим летом я очень часто ездил купаться . Мы ездили на разные озёра , в аквапарки , и даже побывали на море . Это лето подарило мне много незабываемых ощущений ! И я не чуть не жалею о времени проведённом этим летом !
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