Напишите 11 вопросов к следующему тексту.для 10 класса по москве. doctor : have you been losing weight at all? olaf : no, i don`t lose or gain,at least never more than a pound or so one way or a nother. doctor : well, there is nothing serious the matter with you, but you are rather run down. you have been working too hard. you know you can`t burn the candle at both ends, and you need a real rest. i`ll give you a bottle of medicine that will help . take a tablespoonful in water three times a day after meals. eat plenty of good plain food, have no cigarettes and drink plenty of milk, at least a pint a day, and not much coffee ; get plenty of fresah air, and plenty of sleep., but, above all, don`t try to do too much. a real change and surroundings would be very helpful if you could manage it. olaf : as a matter of fact, i have been invited to go and stay with some friends in their cottage in cornwall. doctor : that`s just the thing. but remember, take it easy. not too much swimming or tennis, at least for a week or two, but a good walk by the sea or along the cliffs every day would do you a world of good. i will see you again when you come back, just to make sure you are all right. don`t worry aboun yourself. if that holiday in cornwall doesn`t work wonders i shall be very much surprised . another month and you`ll be as fit as a fiddle. good evening. mr.priestley : well, olaf, you did that so well that i almost began to think you were ill. and if you were ill, i think a doctor like pedro is just the man to cure you, pedro. olaf and pedro : thank you, sir.

Silvertrue Silvertrue    2   21.09.2019 22:50    0

Fallens0n Fallens0n  08.10.2020 08:11
1 Did Olaf loose or gain weight?
2 Had Olaf been working too hard?
3 What did a doctor give him?
4 How many times a day should Olaf take the medicine?
5 Should Olaf eat plenty of good plain or fatty food?
6 How much milk should he drink a day?
7 Where had Olaf been invited ?
8 With whom was he going to stay there?
9 Should Olaf swim much?
10 What would do him a world of good?
11 When was he going to visit a doctor ?
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