Напишите 10 предложений об экологической ситуации в спб. как можно её улучшить? на

f0xsick f0xsick    2   05.10.2019 11:40    1

лера2154 лера2154  09.10.2020 21:34

As any other modern city, St. Petersburg is facing some ecological problems. The gravest one is that there is no separarte waste collection. This means that litter is burnt or taken to landfills and buried there. These facts, in their turn, deteriorate the current ecological situation even more. In my opinion, the best way to conserve the environment here is to use all garbage wisely. Our city can use posititve experience of other cities and countries. For example, in Sweden garbage is managed well and used for heating houses. There are no waste burning plants that make the air dirty, lead to cancer and respiratory illnesses of people in the neighbourhood. We can do the same and stop polluting the environment in our city.  Hopefully, modern technology provides us with many tools to protect the environment.  

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