Напиши сочинение на тему "british way of life"

домашка68 домашка68    1   19.09.2019 01:30    0

аишамамедова аишамамедова  19.09.2019 01:30
The old-women like playing bingo. the british are said to be the only people on earth to have the world which means “standing in line“ . it’s a queue / kju: / the british queue for everything – for public transport and toilet, in restaurant, in shops, at the bar, outside cinemas to buy ticket. english women don’t spend a lot of time on housework. it’s common to see husband helping with cooking and washing up. on sunday they get up late and it’s a good start for a happy day. simply they are less stressed and in less of a hurry
герман123344444 герман123344444  19.09.2019 01:30
In great britian people drink coffee with milk, and there is's president, there is a queen
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