Напиши короткий абзац про один из видов спорта , которым тебе бы хотелось заняться и объясни , почему

ЭвелинаEvelina ЭвелинаEvelina    1   07.08.2019 03:00    2

ihorrubalko ihorrubalko  04.10.2020 02:12
The kind of sport that I'd like to do is football. I'd like it, because it's very hard and highly paid sport. This game has a lot of rules the main rule is play in team,( kick ball only with legs, play without arms, for example) this rules are very easy. The hardest part of this game it's enemy team, they can play better than you, and win, but if you will play harder, longer, you will win any enemies. That's why I love this sport
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