Напиши данные словосочетания во множественном числе. the boy's car-the boys' cars. the child's programme-? the mouse's tail-? the man's car-? the pupil's book-? "the girl's song-? the friend's computer-? the brother's bike-? the teacher's desk-? the woman's dress-? the sheep's tail-? the goose's colour-? the deer's name-?

oksana1410 oksana1410    1   06.09.2019 15:20    26

аспквпнн аспквпнн  06.10.2020 21:23
The children's programme
the mice's tails
the men's car
the pupils' book
the girls' song
the friends' computer
the brothers' bike
the teachers' desk
the women's dress
the geese's colour
the deers' names
ОдУвАнЧиК07 ОдУвАнЧиК07  06.10.2020 21:23
1) The children' programme.
2)The mise' tail.
3)The men' car.
4)The pupils' book.
5)The girls' song.
6)The friends' computer.
7)The brothers' bike.
8)The teachers' desk.
9)The women' dress.
10)The sheep' tail.
11)The geese' colour.
12)The deer' name.
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