Напиши, что ты обычно ешь на завтрак, обед и ужин.for breakfast l usually for lunch l usually have for supper l usually have номер2. впиши a ( n ), some, any. a: have we vegetables? b: no, we haven' t . we carrots potatoes. a: and have we apples or oranges? b: we' ve , but we haven' t oranges. a: so we oranges too. b: and we haven' t got meat. a: let' s go to the shop then.

Эвелиночкаddd Эвелиночкаddd    3   13.09.2019 23:20    8

coolmaVIP coolmaVIP  07.10.2020 12:53
No.1 for breakfast I have tea with bread. For lunch I have soup. For supper I have porridge with chop.

No.2 have we got some vegetables. No, we haven't. We need some carrots and some potatoes. And have we got an apples or oranges? We've got an apple, but we haven't got any oranges. So we need some oranges too. We haven't got a meat.
Ilya1140 Ilya1140  07.10.2020 12:53
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