Напиши алексу письмо . расскажи ему о городе (селе в котором ты живешь. я живу в ростове-на-дону, мне 10 лет. dear alex, my names is angelina. i am from russia 4 строки best wishes ((

Рюка Рюка    1   10.08.2019 23:10    1

11UmNiK111 11UmNiK111  04.10.2020 10:12

Dear Alex,

My name is Angelina. I am from Russia. I live in Rostov. It is an old and beautiful city. It stands on the big river Don. I live in a block of flats. There are a lot of green trees and flowers in our street. There is a Botanical garden and other parks in Rostov. I like to go to the zoo. There are theatres, cathedrals, a lot of monuments in the city. It has got a lot of old interesting buildings to see. I love my native city very much. Write about your city.

Best wishes,


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