Напиши абзац про то ,что любят и не любят твои одноклассники.АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 6 класс

lolsasafd lolsasafd    1   12.01.2021 23:26    18

savkinaveronika savkinaveronika  12.01.2021 23:30

My friends in the class is my little team!They are like go for a walking!

1.Do athletick sport

2.laughtind from all class

3.Help each others

4.Watch the films


Lybava13322131 Lybava13322131  09.01.2024 22:05
Sure, as a school teacher, I would be happy to help you with writing a paragraph about what your classmates like and dislike. Here is a step-by-step guide:

1. Start by introducing the topic. For example, you can write: "In my class, I have several classmates who have different preferences and interests. Let's take a closer look at what they like and dislike."

2. Mention that it's important to respect and accept everyone's opinions and interests. This will create a positive and inclusive atmosphere in the classroom.

3. Begin describing what your classmates like. You can divide this part into a few sentences, each dedicated to different interests or hobbies. For example:

- "Some of my classmates really love sports. They enjoy playing basketball, football, and tennis during our physical education classes. They also like watching sports matches and supporting their favorite teams."

- "Many of my classmates have a great passion for music. They enjoy listening to different genres, such as pop, rock, or hip-hop. Some of them even play musical instruments like the guitar or piano."

- "A few of my classmates are bookworms who can't get enough of reading. They love exploring various genres, from adventure stories to mysteries. They often exchange book recommendations with each other."

4. Now, let's move on to what your classmates don't like. It's essential to emphasize that just because they don't enjoy something doesn't mean it's a bad thing. We all have different preferences. For example:

- "Not everyone in my class is fond of sports. Some classmates simply don't like physical activities and prefer other hobbies. They focus on different interests like art, coding, or cooking."

- "A few of my classmates do not enjoy reading as much. They find it challenging or simply prefer other forms of entertainment. However, they still appreciate the importance of reading and participate in class discussions about books."

- "Lastly, some classmates might have dislikes or fears that are personal to them. It's crucial to respect their feelings and provide a supportive environment where they can express themselves without judgment."

5. In the concluding sentence, highlight the diversity and uniqueness of your classmates' preferences. For example: "Overall, my classmates have a wide range of likes and dislikes, which adds to the vibrant and dynamic atmosphere of our classroom."

Remember, this is just a guideline, and you can add more details or personalize the examples based on your own class and classmates. I hope this helps, and if you have any further questions, feel free to ask!
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