Напишете на но буквами этот текст.. big ben is a bell in the clock tower at the palace of westminster in london. there are two versions of the origin of the name of the tower. the first version says that big ben was named after sir benjamin hall, who ran the casting of the bell. another says that the heariest bell at the moment (13.7 tonns) got its name after benjamin county, a very famous boxer in the heavyweight division at the time. construction. the tower was built on the design of english architect augustus pugin in 1858. for the first time the clock was wound on may 21, 1859. officially, the tower was named as "the clock tower of westminster palace". managing the clock. when the clock on the tower rush or lag (the error is small - only 1.5-2 seconds) an old english penny is placed on the pendulum. putting or a coin the superintendent manages to get the precision of the machinery. now big ben is one of the most famous constructions of the uk.

lerka22222222222222 lerka22222222222222    3   21.07.2019 19:30    1

elya144 elya144  03.10.2020 09:52
Big Ben kolokol v bashne s chasami v Vestminsterskom dvortse v Londone . Yest' dve versii proiskhozhdeniya nazvaniya bashni . Pervaya versiya govorit , chto Big Ben byl nazvan v chest' sera Bendzhamina Kholla , kotoryy rukovodil otlivku kolokola . Drugoy govorit , chto heariest kolokol v dannyy moment ( 13,7 ) tonn na poluchil svoye nazvaniye v chest' Bendzhamina County, ochen' izvestnyy bokser v tyazhelom vese v to vremya. Stroitel'stvo. Bashnya byla postroyena na konstruktsii angliyskogo arkhitektora P'yudzhin v 1858. Vpervyye chasy byli rany 21 maya 1859. Ofitsial'no bashnya byla nazvana kak « Chasovaya bashnya Vestminsterskogo dvortsa » . Upravleniye chasami. Kogda chasy na bashne speshke ili lag ( oshibka nevelika - vsego 1,5-2 sekundy) staryy angliyskiy penni pomeshchayetsya na mayatnik . Vvod ili monety smotritel' udayetsya poluchit' tochnost' mashin . Seychas Big Ben yavlyayetsya odnim iz samykh izvestnykh sooruzheniy Velikobritanii .
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