Написати лист про останнє відвідування спортзалу

Karamelka3467 Karamelka3467    1   25.11.2021 13:00    0

kamilusmonov kamilusmonov  25.11.2021 13:10


To: Для кого  

From: От кого  

Dear Имя друга, How are you? I am well yesterday I went to the gym, where I saw a lot of new things for myself. Namely, the equipment, the trainers, the machines. I went to the trainer and he showed me how to exercise, and he told me to exercise every day, go for a morning run and eat healthy foods so I can be fit and healthy. Thanks for your attention mate, if you're interested you can come and work out with me, the gym is on: Улица

Good bye, see you soon ИМЯ ДРУГА

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