Написать все типы вопросов по предложениям: 1. children made a lot of noise yestarday? 2. susan will drink milk for breakfast?

Rianariana2002 Rianariana2002    1   20.08.2019 04:30    1

aantonenko240 aantonenko240  14.08.2020 17:26
1. General q: Did children make a lot of noise yesterday?
special q: When did children make a lot of noise?
choise q: Did children or adults make a lot of noise yesterday?
tail q: Did children make a lot of noise yesterday, didn't they?
Who q: Who made a lot of noise yesterday?
2. General q: Will Susan drink milk for breakfast?
Special q: What will Susan drink for breakfast?
Choise q: Will Susan or Mike drink milk for breakfast?
Tail q: Will Susan drink milk for breakfast, will not she?
Who q: Who will drink milk for breakfast?
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