Написать вопросы по . he goes to school at 10 o clock. he comes home at 5 o clock. he ddoes his homework. he goes to bed at half past ten. he goes to the park with gizmo,

hhhhh555550 hhhhh555550    3   17.06.2019 04:00    3

lizo4ka004 lizo4ka004  13.07.2020 21:16
1.does he go to school at 10 o clock?
where does he go at 10 o clock?
what time does he go to school?
Who goes to  school?
2.does he come home at 5 o clock?
where does he come at 5 o clock?
what time does he come home?
who comes home at 5 o clock?
3.does he do his homework?
what does he do?
who does homework?
4.does he go to bed at half past ten?
what does he do at half past ten?
what time does he go to bed?
who goes to bed at half past ten?
5.does he go to the park with gizmo?
where does he go with gizmo?
what does he do with gizmo?
who goes to the park with gizmo?
AnastasiaBA AnastasiaBA  13.07.2020 21:16
When he goes to school
when he comes home
what he does
when he goes to bed
with who he goes to the park
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