Написать текст на языке в present simple (то что происходит сейчас) 8-10 предложений "про летние каникулы". всмысле как ходили на речку, ездили на море, гуляли с друзьями и тд. . 45

laura35 laura35    1   13.08.2019 21:06    1

DashaFomicheva13005 DashaFomicheva13005  04.10.2020 16:55

I'm having a good summer. my friends and I go to the river. And also have fun,I still go to the sea,sunbathe and relax there. I also go to the rides and ride on the Ferris wheel and other attractions. I'm having a good summer!

DaVinci002 DaVinci002  04.10.2020 16:55

This summer without exaggeration is one of the best in my life.I always get up late and it makes me really happy . Almost all the time I spend with my best friends.We often go to the bank of the river and swim a lot . We always  hang out and this is really great because we are together and no one of us feels alone.Also we make a picnic every Sunday. On Thursday I and my relatives went to the sea and have a good time.Each free evening I and my friends spend playing cards and different board games.We also like running along the streets and paths in order to keep ourselves healthy and at the same time we want to be in good shape

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