Написать текст на мой двор зимой и летом только не онлайн переводчик у меня самый красивый двор в городе особенно летом.вокруг деревья клумбы с цветами зеленая травка всё кпасиво.также во дворе есть детская площадка на которой я играю с друзьями.для малышей есть маленькие горки карусели и песочница. за двором в котором я живу ухаживает дворник поэтому он всегда чистый.но мой двор также красив и зимой.весь двор покрывается белым покрываломю деревья осыпаны серебристым инеем.дети катаются на санках играют в снежки и лепят снеговиков.я люблю свой ухоженый и чистый двор в любое время года.

Mtaraska Mtaraska    2   11.07.2019 14:30    1

maschavyaznina maschavyaznina  17.09.2020 21:38
My yard is the most beautiful in the town, especially in summer. There are trees, flowered beds and green grass here. Everything is so beautiful. There is also a playground in the yeard where I play with my friends. There are small slides, merry-go-rounds and a sand-pit for kids. Our yard is being carried about by a keeper, that's why it is always very clean. My yard is also beautiful in winter. It is covered in white blanket. Trees are ice-glazed. Children ride sleds, play snowballs and make snowmen. I like my tidy and clean yard in any season.
дашенька158 дашенька158  17.09.2020 21:38
I have the most beautiful yard in the city especially in the summer. Around bed trees with flowers a green grass everything is very beautiful. Also in the yard there is a playground at which I play with friends. For kids there are small hills of a roundabout and a sandbox. Behind the yard in which I live the janitor therefore it always the pure looks after. But my yard is also beautiful also in the winter. All yard becomes covered by a white cover Trees are showered with silvery hoarfrost. Children ride a sledge play snowballs and build snowmen. I love the well-groomed and pure yard at all seasons of the year.
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