Написать степени сравнения прилагательных sweet. pleasant. sunny. narrow. long. comfortable. interesting. young. favourite. wonderful. hot. frosty.

сонька177 сонька177    1   30.09.2019 14:40    4

ilaida1 ilaida1  09.10.2020 05:39

sweet-sweeter-the sweetest

pleasant - more pleasant - the most pleasant

sunny - sunnier-the sunniest

narrow-narrower-the narrowest

long-longer-the longest

comfortable-more comfortable- the most comfortable

interesting- more interesting- the most interesting

young-younger-the youngest

favourite- more favourite-- the most favourite

wonderful -more wonderful-- the most wonderful

hot-hotter-the hottest

frosty-frostier-the frostiest

Лисоооооооо Лисоооооооо  09.10.2020 05:39
Sweet, sweeter, the sweetest
Pleasant, more Pleasant, the more pleasant
Sunny, sunnier, the sunniest
Narrow, narrower, the narrowest
Long, longer, the longest
Comfortable, more Comfortable, the most comfortable
Interesting, more Interesting, the most interesting
Young, Younger, the youngest
Favourite, more vafourite, the most favourite
Womderful,more Womderful, the most womderful
Hot, hotter, the hottest
Frosty, frostier, the frostiest
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