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dimidrol7331 dimidrol7331    3   21.06.2019 15:30    0

nastya3162 nastya3162  17.07.2020 06:57
My room is very large and bright. There are two windows, bookcase, wardrobe, table, sofa, chair and of course warm bed. On the floor is white carpet. Also you can see many different pictures on the walls: my fotoes and pictures that are drawn by me. How had I said before, I have got a table where I usually do my homework. I have got no flowers, because of there isnt much light in our flat, so plants cant grow. To sum up-I like my room and enjoy every minute that I spend there. Но единственное что, здесь употребляются сложные конструкции и времена, поэтому если ты в 1-3 классе, тебе не поверят, что текст сочинил ты. Так что лучше некоторые моменты переписать попроще
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