Написать сочинение на языке на тему " мой урок физкультуры "

bviktoria4567 bviktoria4567    1   05.10.2019 03:30    1

lisnyakmashenk lisnyakmashenk  09.10.2020 20:57
Physical education - is my favourite subject. This does not mean that I don't love to learn - mathematics, history and other subjects I have time to be nice. But I really like to move: run, jump, climb ropes and Swedish stenke. PE is aimed at promoting human health, the development of his physical abilities, which is very important. Lack of exercise can be bad for the health of schoolchildren: they go bad posture, deteriorating eyesight, they STANOVOI physically clabymi. In physical education, we are able to improve your health: we run, play ball, jump in length. When it's cold outside, the lessons carried out in the fresh air ..vo school yard.
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