Написать сочинение на языке 120 слов на тему: i am happy when my family ( я счастлив когда моя семья )

конфетка03031 конфетка03031    3   01.09.2019 00:40    0

jgjgjgjh jgjgjgjh  06.10.2020 08:44
The family is happy if with all in it respect each other, not rude and simply love. Pleasant trifles is sometimes very pleasantly. Do not forget about it, it always pleases and surprises. If the family is with a mode "Mutual understanding" in it there are no problems. Mutual assistance, the help each other - all that that does us happy... Including all family. Loving parents, cultural детки - that else it is possible to wish? And as it is pleasant to look at the happy family peacefully walking on park. Do all together and all will be fine. Sometimes It is useful побыть a little in separation will strengthen your feelings and will force to understand value of your attitudes.. Speak about that More often that you love mum, the daddy, the brother, the sister... Prove it acts. And your favourite will love you. If they had difficulties do not dare to give up to them, help, understand a situation, and to all of you will return back, believe! Never conceal nothing from the relatives. All of them tell - can they will help you efficient advice and to them always give the necessary advice
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