Написать сочинение на тему "правда ли что если люди ходят на концерт, можно развинуть вкусы в музыке? как некоторые люди могут сделать это" (8-10 предложений)

BULATIKSPB BULATIKSPB    1   02.10.2019 18:20    1

Znatok00011 Znatok00011  02.10.2019 18:20
We've all been through this scenario. you start playing a song for your friend that you are positive is incredible, only to watch as her face drops in the disappointed aftermath of a too-high anticipation level when the part you said is "the best! " is, to her, mediocre at best. you will the song to play faster and reach the bridge quicker, but even the triumphant key change doesn't do it. she absolutely hates it and there's nothing you can do to change her mind.
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