Написать сочинение на . по плану : 1. basic information, 2. a summary of the plot, 3. your opinions, 4. your recommendation

ilovemath777 ilovemath777    2   21.07.2019 11:10    0

frends06 frends06  15.09.2020 20:56
Risenly I watched the movie called "Bad teacher"
It's film about nowadays school. The main character is teacher of history. She teach so difficult guys in 11 form. And one of them bring the gun to school and begin to blackmail the teacher. Person who hold the gun and authority changes really often. When you're watching this film, you want to watch it more and more and to get to know what happens futher. The movie makes you think about your lifestyle. I would to recommended it for you, because there's no better then watching a good and useseful film.
Слушай, я думаю так пойдет. если слов мало, разбавь водой от себя ещё)
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