Написать рассказ-сочинение на анг.языке всего 50-55 слов и из низ 10 предложений тема: мой любимый сайт,передача,фильм,сериял заранее !

savannah1 savannah1    3   04.06.2019 12:40    4

Ука12345 Ука12345  05.07.2020 13:11
Nowadays, everyone is searching the internet. People communicate with friends, learn more about life. I would like to talk about YouTube. For me it is a very good website to find lots of useful things, like tutorial videos for learning more about my school subjects, movies and just funny clips. I'm watching vlogs of some famous bloggers and find it very interesting to know how people in other countries live. YouTube is a very good website to learn more about others interests.
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