Написать предложения со словами shopping centres,rivers,beaches, lakes,mountains,historical places,houses,markets,gardens,modern flats в каждом предложении должно быть 1 слово!

Даник1111112 Даник1111112    2   05.10.2019 16:50    0

Kakanya Kakanya  09.10.2020 22:02
There are at least two shoping centres in big cities.
The rivers, which are in this village, are so deep.
Beaches near see are more famouse than beaches near rivers.
Lakes are situated near this forest.
These mountains are the highest in the world.
There are many historical places in London.
My best friends live in these houses.
You can buy everything in these markets.
There are two big gardens near this house.
Young people usually live in modern flats.
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