Написать правильную форму прилагательного 1. this book is rather boring. i'd like to read a (interesting) one. 2. it's a pity you live so far away. i wish you lived (near). 3. jack is late. we expected him to be here (early). 4. this coat is too small. i need a (large) size. 5. the guest house was surprisingly cheap. we expected it to be much (expensive). 6. your son is not keen on his studies. he's (interested) in having a good time. 7. there were a lot of people in the bus. it was (crowded) than usual. 8. your girl-friend looks (thin). has she lost weight? 9. the children are making too much noise. can they be a bit (quiet)? 10. the examination was (easy) than max expected. 11. don't go by train. it's (expensive). let's go by car it's (cheap). 12. i think we'll resume the conversation when you're a little (calm), caroline. 13. things went from bad to (bad). 14. to be ashamed of his own father is perhaps a (bitter) experience a young man can go through.

karinasoskova karinasoskova    2   16.08.2019 03:00    3

1 more interesting
2 nearer
3 earlier
4 larger
5 more expensive
6 more interested
7 more crowded
8 thinner
9 more quiet
10 easier
11 more expensive, cheaper
12 calmer
13 worse
14 bitterer
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