Написать по "что такое счастье" должно быть 12-15 предложений

prosto529o prosto529o    1   15.08.2019 12:40    1

zibrov06 zibrov06  04.10.2020 21:05
Everyone at least once asked themselves what happiness is. Congratulating the friends, relatives and acquaintances we always wish them happiness, because we believe: the main thing in life is to be happy. But the concept of happiness we all put a different meaning, for some, happiness is love, others believe that the welfare and money, others will respond that health and life. I think that different times in our life, we for the happiness take different values. After all, sometimes even that same person today we need for happiness love and family, tomorrow money and career, and after a while, he needs health, luck and success.
Nikakrmararle Nikakrmararle  04.10.2020 21:05
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