Написать по 2 общих вопроса на языке на любую тему в past simple,present perfect,to be,и с оборотами there is,there are. надо

АнжеликаАнгелочек АнжеликаАнгелочек    1   17.03.2019 17:30    3

salavatshakiro salavatshakiro  07.06.2020 03:18

1.Did you meet new friends on summer vacation?

2.Did you help your mother yesterday?


1.Have you already been at the party?

2.Have you done your homework yet?


1.Are you a student?

2.Is he his classmate?


1.Is there anyone wko knows what to do?

2.Are there some ney students?

Nastyaa271 Nastyaa271  07.06.2020 03:18

past simple

Did he speak English well?

Did you spend a lot of time on your homework?


present perfect

Have you already written a letter?

Has he finished his work?


to be

Was he at home at 8 o’clock?

Are you a student?


с оборотами there is,there are

Was there any rain since then?

Are there any books in the bag?

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