Написать письмо на языке в котором я отвечаю на 3 вопроса 1)what do you think abour healthy life style? 2)do you follow healthy life style? why? why not? 3)give some piece of advice about healthy life style? 9 класс

teunov teunov    1   19.08.2019 04:50    1

aleksandrp462 aleksandrp462  05.10.2020 04:09
Healthy lifestyle is very important for everyone. it helps people to keep fit and be strong. I follow healthy lifestyle because i like it and i can't image my life without it. i like sport, doing exercises.
As an advice i want to tell you, that you should eat healthy food, take contrast shower, do morning exercises. if you won't doing this , you will be fat and ugly.
как-то так. подкорректируй немного, если надо. могу допустить ошибки, заранее извиняюсь
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