Написать письмо на языке. 100-120 слов, не больше, не меньше!
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pallnash pallnash    2   23.12.2019 17:20    1

Vladikot77 Vladikot77  10.10.2020 22:44

I don't believe in myths and mystical creatures as much as I don't believe nin religion because every religion later becomes a mythology. However I like mystical stories and I read and watch a lot of stuff like that. For instance, recenlty [email protected] seen a movie which is called "The Forth Kind". It's well known that there are four kinds of UFO contact with people and the movie tells about the last one. This movie is sxary but it is really interesting and I enjoyed watching it. As for the books, I like the Harty Potter saga about magic and wizards, this book is not only about magical things but about political, religious, and family issues. Nowadays, I think, science os a very developed brunch and if there was something unusual in the world, we would have known about it, although there is always a place for mysteries which are supposed to stay mysteries forever.

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