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Vilaan1972 Vilaan1972    3   14.09.2019 14:30    1

Zxcvbnm900 Zxcvbnm900  07.10.2020 14:27
Dear Tom,
How are you?I'm sorry I haven't written for such a long time but i was busy at school.I'm writteng to tell you about my new friends.
Firstly of all I would like to tell you a little about Alan. He is very diligent and perfectly specialized in such subjects as physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology. It is fun to spend time in school and beyond, he also helps me if I do not understand something, knows how to correctly explain what I did not understand.Secondly I want to tell about Ben.He is very hard-working, devotes a lot of time to studying. He has no problems with English, Russian or Ukrainian. He also play in basketball, he trains a lot to become the best, he went to regional competitions where he took first place with his team.Thirdly I also want to talk about Nikolas. He is very good, helped many times to solve the problem. Although he has a very flamboyant character.Nicholas is a wonderful person, without studying he has always been passing exams.
Please, write me soon and tell me all your news.Looking forward to your letter.Best wishes to your parents.
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