Написать письмо другу на тему: хороший друг всегда сохраняет твои тайны. от 60 слов. 35

AntohaPastuha AntohaPastuha    2   24.08.2019 21:00    0

mamka18 mamka18  05.10.2020 17:25
My friend's name is (имя друга). He/she never tell any my secrets, and me too, keep all secrets in safe. Friend, who can keep a secrets, very good friend, because you can rely on him. (Имя) always know my secrets, and don't tell them anyone. When he want to rely on me, i help him and talk with him. We don't hide secrets from our both. But, if friend tells someone your secret, don't rely on him. He can't be quiet, he wants to tell it.
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