Написать письмо другу кто живет в другой стране

RoseSmit RoseSmit    2   22.05.2019 08:20    1

yarik93 yarik93  17.06.2020 12:20


Dear Steve,

I was very glad to hear from you again. I haven't written for ages because of my school activities.

In your letter you ask me to tell you about my favorite kind of sports. With a pleasure. I like many kinds of sports but best of all I like football. It's the game of my dream. I play for my school football club "Shkolnik". We are good players and we win almost every competitions.
Besides it I'm a football fan and I like to watch every match on TV or in the stadium.

And what about you? Tell me about your favorite kind of sports.

That's for me today. I have to go to the shop for some food.

Best regards to your family.
Write soon.



Дорогой Стив,
Я был очень рад получить от тебя весточку. Я не писал целую вечность из-за занятости в школе.
В своем письме ты просишь меня рассказать  о моем любимом виде спорта. С удовольствием. Мне нравятся многие виды спорта, но больше всего я люблю футбол. Это игра моей мечты. Я играю за  мой школьный футбольный клуб "Школьник". Мы хорошие игроки, и мы выигрываем почти все соревнования.
Кроме того, я футбольный болельщик, и мне нравится смотреть каждый матч по телевизору или на стадионе.

А как насчет тебя? Расскажи мне о своих любимых видах спорта.

Это все на сегодня. Мне нужно идти в магазин за продуктами.
передай привет своей семье.
Пиши как можно быстрее

LeBleque LeBleque  17.06.2020 12:20

28 Isaac Newton Road

London, England

14th November 2013

Dear Mandy,

I was very exciting about your last letter. I told my mom about your visiting. It’ll be great to meet you! I hope you’ll have a good time!

When are you going to go to Moscow? Do you have warm clothes? Winter in Russia is very cold and windy. Do you have laptop? If yes you need take it with you, I have Wi-Fi in my room. If you don’t have you can take my computer and use Skype to call to your mom and family. Do you leave near your school? Do you use buses or tube? Our school is a little bit far away from our house, so we’ll use tube.

And there are some questions from my father and mother:

Is there anything you can’t eat or drink? Have you got an allergy? Do you want a single room, or do you prefer to share a room with me? Have you got any diseases?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Best wishes

Lucya Begeldinova

P.S. I’m sending you a photo of my room and family J

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