Написать ответ на письмо) вот письмо: ) от helen. life is not easy when you are 14. i have problems with my parents. they don`t understand me. when i wanted to find a part-time job not to ask for pocket money, they said-no, you are not old enough. they advised me to pay more attention to my study. if i go for a walk, i must be at home by 10 o`clock. they always ask me where and with whom i go out. i am not allowed to buy clothes for myself, they don`t let me listen to my favourite music, they say-it`s terrible. i often argue with my parents because of clothes, apartment cleaning, etc. i`d like my parents to treat me as an adult person. i`d like you to give me some advises. what shall i do? do your parents always understand you? what do they let you do and forbid you to do? please write me some words about it.

dianajalagonia dianajalagonia    1   22.09.2019 01:50    3

Groverr Groverr  08.10.2020 08:25
I absolutely understand you, cuz I'm teenager too. Your parents aren't right I think, but they wish all the good things for you, so take care, worry about you. In my opinion, you should tell them about things, which makes you angry. Often talk with them about everything, cuz it helps to understand each other.
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