He went to the museum with his friend.
Общий: Did he go to the museum with his friend?
альтернативный: Did he go to the museum with his friend or with his neighbour?
разделительный: He went to the museum with his friend, didn't he?
,специальный: Where did he go with his friend?
к подлежащему: who went to the museum with his friend?
Объяснение:He went to the museum with his friend.
He went to the museum with his friend.
Общий: Did he go to the museum with his friend?
альтернативный: Did he go to the museum with his friend or with his neighbour?
разделительный: He went to the museum with his friend, didn't he?
,специальный: Where did he go with his friend?
к подлежащему: who went to the museum with his friend?
Объяснение:He went to the museum with his friend.
Общий: Did he go to the museum with his friend?
альтернативный: Did he go to the museum with his friend or with his neighbour?
разделительный: He went to the museum with his friend, didn't he?
,специальный: Where did he go with his friend?
к подлежащему: who went to the museum with his friend?