Написать на языке письмо бену -например меня зовут матвей мне 9 лет я люблю играть в компьютер напиши что нравиться тебе

Maxbys Maxbys    1   15.08.2019 19:40    0

ritapechyonkina77 ritapechyonkina77  04.10.2020 21:38
Dear Ben,
I am really glad to get your letter. Sorry I could not answer earlier. I was preparing for my exams.
Well, I agree with you. I am also told to read the school`s list of books. It is very long, almost thirty boring books! I like reading novels because they help me to relax and forget about worries. When I travel I always take an electronic book with me. It is very convienient and simple. It is better to take just one gadget instead of many books. What about your reading preferences?
Sorry I have to go now, my favourite TV show has already started.
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