Написать на данные вопросы по 2 ответа в пассиве: 1. how do shops try to atract customers to buy their products? 2. what improvements have been made to transport in your country in the last few years? 3. how has technology changed the life of students? 4. how has life changed since your parents were children? 5. what will life be like in future?

Arkanius Arkanius    2   02.08.2019 21:00    0

linasysueva01 linasysueva01  30.09.2020 03:24
1. shops try to attract customers by putting up bright and charming posters or billboard or by using advertisements
2. installation of more bus stops and subway system which reduced the cluster of people on the road
3. technology changed the life of students by giving them the opportunity to browse freely with their mobile or computer to gain access to relevant information in stuffs that would help in education
4. expansion of interaction between society, introduction of better effective machines
5. life would be like a world without much stress because technology would have taken over everything possible to be done by hand or human effort
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