Написать короткий текст буквально на 5 предложений( что бы можно было выучить на тему " я хотел бы побывать в диво острове" ( на языке)

katyadk2004 katyadk2004    1   23.08.2019 07:30    1

Мороз25 Мороз25  05.10.2020 14:07
Sometimes I feel like I want to find myself on the remote wonderful island. The dream is so realistic that I even can see the sky and the see, sense the sun and the wind. Butterflies, parrots and exotic birds are flying around, monkeys are playing with each other on the sand... Suddenly I understand that I am alone in this peace: no friends, no family. And then I am happy to return to the routine of my days, even though the miracle island comes to my mind from time to time.
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