Написать электронное письмо last time i went shopping for clothes. (последний раз я ходила по магазинам за одеждой). 5-8 предложений.

ekaterinah05 ekaterinah05    3   28.07.2019 14:40    0

ttttrrrrtttr ttttrrrrtttr  25.09.2020 20:52
Hi...( Имя, кому пишешь письмо), I want to tell you about my last shopping. It was really exciting! Well, I went shopping on Sunday morning. You know that I am very lazy, but there were 80% discounts (скидки) for all clothes. Yeah, I thought that it will be a joke, but no, they were real. I've bought a lot of good things and I really enjoyed this shopping. I really hope to hear from you soon, (Написать своё имя).
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